Sunday, October 16, 2011

The dream maker's gonna make you mad

The Killers - Spaceman

Tässä viime päivinä olen ajatellut, että laitan huoneeni ihan uuteen uskoon. Nää mun vaaleanpunaiset seinät ei oikeen kuvasta mua, ja tää on muutenki niin persoonaton paikka, et mun on vaikea sanoa tätä omaks huoneeks. Selailin pari päivää weheartit'ia löytääkseni vähän sisustusideoita, ja tällaisia inspiraatiokuvia löysin.

The last few days I've really felt like starting to redecorate my room. I don't think these baby pink walls reflects who I am as a person... I need a room that's more welcoming.. more me. I feel like this isn't my room, but some random place that I hang out at. I searched weheartit for inspirational pictures, and these are what I found.

I love love love that purple picture! It has a feeling of mystique to it. But I think I'll paint my walls into something more neutral, like beige or white.

I need a board like that to put post-it's about what I need to remember and stuff. I always forget important papers and assignments! Also, some kind of low shelf would be cute. I don't know if I'd get it to fit anywhere though.. But since I'm going to buy lots of new instruments, I figured I really need something like that!

and sorry, I didn't feel like writing in Finnish today!

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